Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday Morning Worship 5/3/09

Attendance was down some.. weather was crazy Sunday morning and I think a little pig flu scare was going on too.. but the worshipers showed up..the band rocked the house and those that were there sang out.. oh yeah..God was there too.. a great morning. Here's how it went for us.

10:45 Celebration Service

Gathering Music - Forever

Enter the Light of Christ

Welcome and Announcements

Choral Anthem

Praise Music- You Never Let Go
Jesus Messiah

Children’s Sermon


Worship Music- How Great Thou Art
All Creatures

Prayer Time and Lord’s Prayer

Prayer Response Artie (Instrumental)

Call to Communion

Prayer for Elements

Communion and Offering- instrumental


Invitation to Respond

Invitation Music- Jesus Messiah

Going Out Music - Forever

You can see more worship sets at Fred McKinnon's blog here

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