But no...
So why did the numbers drop???
Was it the number of minutes she was talking? Did she actually speak to people more and reduce her ability to text as much?? I did a brief analysis of her voice minutes....she was actually on the phone talking more in months previous than in this month of anemic texting performance..
I can only find one other good reason that she has deteriorated in her text performance.

His name is Ryan Stovall... He's pretty good guy.. plays sax in the AC jazz band and has a band of his own..he also plays guitar way better than I will ever hope to and he can play other instruments. I like Ryan.. but he sure is jackin' with our fun with Hannah's texting.
You know what? My niece puts Hannah to shame. My sister said Haleigh texts 15,000 texts per month. Now THAT is some serious texting. Yeah - I said 15 THOUSAND. Ask her if you don't believe me!
OK..so maybe that's true but I don't see anyone blogging about it.
I indirectly kind of did by leaving a comment on your blog. Soo.....yeah.
i could top haleigh easy if i didn't have certain texting restrictions.
maybe we should lose them for a month just to see how crazy i could really go?
Perhaps we can release those restrictions when you graduate and have accumulated all the scholarships you need to pay for college... or at least applied for all that you were eligable for.. back to that conversation last night I guess??
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