Thursday, May 20, 2010

Before I'm 60

A friend of mine would have a 60 before 60.. 60 things he wants to do before he turns 60. I'm just starting this for the first time.. don't know that I have 60 specific things I want to accomplish before I turn 60.. I'm starting this and will add to it a little at a time... in no particular order..

1. Key West and the southernmost incorporated place in the contiguous 48 states.
2. Alaska
3. Snowboard
4. Surf
5. Parachute
6. Bungee jump
7. Hike the Grand Canyon
8. Canada
9. Parasail
10.Learn to sail a boat
11.Get a sailboat
12.Get out of debt
13.Be able to wear my Aggie Ring again (without having it sized)
14.Lose 100 lbs and keep it off.
15.Learn to fly a plane
16.Work on a mission trip on foreign soil.
17.Yosemite National Park
19.Costa Rica Canopy Tour
20.Cycle the Pineywoods purgatory
21.Ride my bicycle from Lufkin to Austin (camping along the way at night)
22.Give Jinx a BoB ring
23.Perform a wedding
25.Own a Mini Cooper
26.Get an iPad
27.Re-establish my daily discipline of scripture reading and prayer
28.See my friend Warren Bird again.
29.Find and visit with 5 old high school friends I haven't seen recently
30.Play golf again
31.Go to a baseball game at Wrigley Field
32.AmTrak to the west coast
33.Baseball game at Fenway
34.Drive a car through a giant redwood
35.Tell my wife I love her everyday
36.See my children complete their educations and become independent,functioning adults
37.See the fall foliage in New England
38.See Jerry Jeff Walker perform again
39.Dance at Gruene Hall at least once a year
40.See Gary P. Nunn perform again
41.Go overseas
42.Scuba dive game at Yankee stadium
44.Canoe the Guadalupe again
45.See Jimmy Buffett again...and again.
46.Publish a song
47.Record my (and my friends) songs and post them on fb or myspace
48.Write 30 more songs
49.Post music videos of some of my songs on youtube
50.Make my music room more soundproof for good recording
51.Every time I say goodbye to one of my family, tell them I love them
52.Do this with regularity.
53.Begin funding my 401K again
54.Visit the Shiner Brewery
55.Eat at the Angelina County airport
56.Visit Mike O
57.Memphis in May
58.Hike to the top of a mountain in Summit County Colorado with Shawn
59.aurora borealis
60.Farallon Islands Whale tour...there ya go...60 before 60.


JBo said...

1. Southern most point in the US is not Key West, it's South Point on the Big Island, and it was my favorite part of going to Hawaii. Do that instead of Key West.

25 and 26. Ditto.

33. Have tickets for June 15th. Will be my 2nd time. It's a unique experience.

Good luck with your list.

Artie said...

OK.. how about the southernmost incorporated place in the contiguous 48 states. LOL.. yeah.. we're going to Key West this summer.. going to snorkel Ft Jefferson..will keep in mind South Point on the big island when we do HI. Thanks Jessie..

Artie said...

I've added these.. What should 60 be?
55.Eat at the Angelina County airport
56.Visit Mike O
57.Memphis in May
58.Hike to the top of a mountain in Summit County Colorado with Shawn
59.aurora borealis

Artie said...

Added #60 Farallon Island whale tour.