Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday Setlist 3/29/09
Gathering Music (announcements on screen; lighting of candles)
Wholly Yours - Crowder
Welcome to FCC
Teaser (dramatic reading/monologue of portions of Psalms 51 & 32.)
Choral Anthem: "Create in Me a Clean Heart"
Praise Music
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)Tomlin/Giglio/Excell/Reese
Change My Heart, O God-Espinosa
Here I Am, Lord-Schutte
Children's Sermon (Kathy)
Worship Music
Open the Eyes of My Heart-Baloche
Pure Heart-Caraway
Prayer (Cory)
Communion/Offering (Kathy - meditation)
Communion Music - Take My Life-Powell, Carr, Avery, Lee, Anderson
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Artie)
Sermon (Mike)
Invitation - Here I Am, Lord
Postlude - Pure Heart
See other cool Sunday sets here
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday Setlist 3/22/09
March 22: Restoration
Prelude (announcements on screen) - Restored (Camp) -Artie Anderson
Enter the Light of Christ
Opening Song- Everything Glorious (Crowder)
Welcome to FCC/Announcements
Youth Ski Trip Video
Praise Music- Take my Life (Holiness) (Underwood)
Enough (Tomlin)
Children’s Sermon (Kathy)
Worship Music- Better is One Day (Redman)
- Empty Me (Way/Comer)
Prayer Time & LP (Mike)
Prayer Response
Communion/Offering (choir - It is Well) (Artie at Table)
Sermon– Cory w/Youth (scripture embedded: 2 Samuel 7:1-16)
Invitation- Enough
Going Forth- Everything Glorious
Check out other cool Sunday Setlists done today here
Friday, March 20, 2009
More on ancestors..
She found this.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
More pics from Hannah in Italy
A pic from Hannah
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
San Jacento Battlegrounds.. and ancestors..

Below is an e-mail my brother sent me and others.. it starts with comments from him about our family and then most is a message from Senator Hutchinson. I knew my family had deep roots in Texas history but didn't realize it was so deep and strong... by the way my mom, Christine Lena Williamson, was raised by her aunt..Artie Lena Thomas, not her mom. So you can see the immediate connection... Interesting. I've added pics from our visit to the battlegrounds today.
From my brother.....
February 27, 2009

A view of the battle grounds from the monument.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Houston we have a problem....

Today we went to Space Center Houston.. Man this place touches me way down in my inner child. I grew up watching people blast off in to space to try and get us on the moon. I was a little over a year old when Yuri Gagarin had made history by being launched in to space.. Alan Shepherd made the trip not to long after that and yada yada yada when I was 9 Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon (see more here)... it was that yada yada yada that was a part of my growing up.. tang, the space race, coupling that space race with the cold war, bomb shelters in peoples back yards and the fear of just what the russians would do to us from the moon if they got there before us made the whole space thing very important to almost all of us growing up back then.
I also used to lay on my back in the yard at night and use our binoculors to look at the moon.. believe it or not it always looked closer and more detailed than by the naked eye..

I had a map of the universe when I was in first grade and I would pull it out and look at it over and over again. I used in school for presentations several different times as I grew up. Space, NASA, all that stuff was just a part of me as I was growing up...
Also..schools in the Houston area went to NASA often.. Not every year but we went pretty often.
So...going to Space Center Houston today was something I was really looking forward to. The last time I had been to NASA.. it was just the Johnson Space Center.. there was no Space Center Houston. I had heard a lot of good things about Space Center Houston (SCH) so I was looking forward to today..on many levels.. I had a real good time.. you can see the pics I took here.
Unfortunately... it wasn't nearly as good as when it was just JSC... probably because I imagine how great it could be. Basically me and my family stood in line for over 3 hours today to go on 2 tours.. shop a little and go home. I studied recreation and parks in college and so did Donna. Donna even worked at Disney in Florida and knows how important it is for things to go right for there to be a quality experience for visitors....guests..whatever term you want to give to those poor suckers that come in the gate in the morning and hand you a pretty decent stack of cash to spend the day on your property..
Here are just a few things that need some attention Houston...
Tour guides or hosts do not need to be texting friends while guiding your group.
Tour guides or hosts should not make sarcastic comments about the place they work while on duty in front of guests.
Tour guides or hosts should not bob their heads to the music on the guide video no matter how sick they are of "The flight of the bumblebee".
Videos used on tour buses should be less then 10 years old.
Audio files used on tour trams should be less than 10 years old.
Security screening should be done at the beginning of the que line while people are waiting to get on trams..not at the end of the line so that people are delayed boarding their trams.. It must have taken at least 15 minutes (Donna's guess.. I think more) to load a freakin tram.. 3 minutes tops to get everyone on...maybe a tad more if you have physically challenged guests. This was insane!!
Don't tell people to return to the tram at the end of a tour and then tell them they should be sitting in the same seats they left AFTER they return to the tram.
If you are going to have flight simulators in the flight simulator part of your facility you should have more than 2 of the 10 working.
We didn't get to see anything else because it took so freakin' long to do these two tours. I'm sure I would have seen more that needs attention.
I know that JSC specializes in rocket science.. but this isn't rocket science.. it's hospitality, expectations, follow-up, leadership and respect....but then again this is a government agencey (NASA) and I'm sure SCH is the lowest bidder.. I really don't know how this was put together...it could be so much better..
and bobble head host told us today they were only expecting 6000 guests but would have over 8000 tomorrow with all the parking lots full including the staff parking lot.. good luck folks..the tram lines don't go too fast...and the security people that are going through your stuff and scanning you with a hand held metal detector are in no rush..which wouldn't matter except that the tram is waiting on you and the 80+ people behind you to get on... yawn..
I really hope to go back some time soon so I can spend more time in the main facility and skip the tours because they took forever but it was what I wanted to do today. I didn't get to look at any space capsules up close like I have every time I've been to JSC. I didn't get to see any rocks like every time I've been to JSC. Again.. it was the choices we made, they were long slow choices with a lot of standing still but I'm ok with that.
I'm not mad..I love the place.. I want to see more.. I just know with some minor changes that would cost nothing so many more people could be serviced with no extra effort put fourth by any of the underpaid, under motivated hosts on staff.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A little trip to Houston..

We didn't go on the church ski trip... Austin nor Donna wanted to ski.. Hannah was going to Italy so we didn't know what we would do for our little spring break jaunt.. Austin had a neat idea.. let's go to Houston and do like we do when we go to New York.. in other words.. let be tourists in Houston..
Having grown up in the Houston area and generally having a disdain for the city because it's hot, and humid, and un-zoned, and humid, and has never seemed to have the hiways it needed to move people around like it needs to I really wasn't fired up about that right off the bat but then I thought

I went to priceline.com and bid on some 5 star hotels in downtown Houston and got a nice deal on a room at The Inn at the Ballpark.
This morning we had church..and in the midst of church Hannah took off for Italy.. once church was over we headed to Livingston to have lunch at The Courthouse Whistlstop Cafe.

A very nice cafe with very good food and good sized portions. Service was excellent even though some of the Sunday specials had been eate

We had

The Aeros won and we had fun..minor league sports are a hoot because they do so much to keep you entertained.. same with minor league baseball.. anyway, we had a

Room is spacious and the b

We go eat in "The Ballpark Cafe".. food is pricy but good. Donna had the ballpark burger..I had the ballpark hot dog (a foot long that was about 18" long..stuck out about 2 inches on each end of the bun)..and with ballpark dog I had to have a bock..Austin.. always one to watch cost of items on the menu had a $6 salad and the fried shrimp.. The bill was ... well alot f

Back at the room taking it easy.. contemplating going here tomorrow..
Sunday Worship 3/15/09
10:45 AM
Gathering Music – The Cross of Christ (Wright) (announcements on screen)
Enter the Light of Christ
Praise Music
God of Wonders (Byrd/Hindalong)
How Great Thou Art (Hine/Baloche)
Welcome and Announcements
Introduction to Theme (Donna: Exodus 20 video)
Choral Anthem – Alas! and did my savior bleed? (Banks) (Guest Choir Director, Mike Hunter!)
Children’s Sermon (Kathy)
This morning we invite you to introduce yourself by stating which of the Ten Commandment YOU think is the most important.
Worship Music
All in All (Jernigan)
Wonderful Cross (Reeves/Tomlin/Walt/Watts/Mason)
Prayer Time & Lord’s Prayer (Kathy)
Prayer Response – Enid Hunter, oboe
Scripture Reading – Exodus 20:1-17 (Artie)
Sermon – Does the List Matter? (Mike)
Invitation to Respond
Invitation Music – Sanctuary (Thompson/Scruggs) (transition to table on second verse)
Call to Communion (Mike)
Prayer for Elements
10 Word Exercise
This morning we invite you to circle the word identifying the commandment you struggle with most. You will keep one copy for yourself and bring one forward to lay at the foot of the cross before you participate in the offering and communion.
Communion & Offering (praise team instrumental)
All Christians, regardless of denomination, are invited to participate in this meal of love and remembrance. Come forward to lay your tablet at the cross, before presenting your offering and partaking of communion. You may come to the Table when you feel led and depart on your own.
Go Out in God’s Peace…
See more Sunday worship setlists here
Peace everyone..
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
CC (DOC) NEA CYF/Chi Rho Mid Winter..
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Random March 3rd stuff
It also proves that if you are going to eat chocolate ice cream and wear white skinny pants..you will get some on your pants...
Monday, March 9, 2009
New tune..
You can also check out some other cool original tunes here.. at the online songwriters showcase..
Sunday's worship.. 3/8/09
On the other side they wrote all the things that they were, could be names or titles .. I wrote husband, father, song writer, worship leader, freight guy, friend, bald guy, fat guy, friend, lazy, workaholic, but the key thing is no matter what I'm called I'm a child of God.. here's how worship flowed..
March 8: Blessing
Prelude – Nelda (announcements on screen)
10:45 AM - Lighting of candles
Opening Praise Set
Give Thanks-Smth
Hallelujah (You’re Love is Amazing)- Brown/Doerksen
Stethoscope video
“I got a name” (Croce) – Artie
Welcome to FCC/Announcements (Mike)
Children’s Sermon (Kathy)
Greeting (introduce yourself with label – “Hi, I’m an accountant”)
Worship Set
Every Move I Make -Ruis
Wonderful Cross- Reeves, Tomlin, Walt, Watts, Mason
Short Prayer & LP (Cory)
Sermon – Genesis 17 (Mike)
Transition Music (Sing Hallelujah)-Stassen
(Elements and Guitars lead procession to FH)
Name Making Experience (Cory sets-up, background music on iPod)
Words of Institution (Mike)
Communion – at multiple stations (choir music)
Invitation (Wonderful Cross) Reeves, Tomlin, Walt, Watts, Mason
Prayer of Dismissal (Mike)
Postlude -Give Thanks-Smith
It was a very good Sunday, The experiment with recording practice and posting it on youtube for at home rehearsal for those who need it or can't make practice is still proving to be a big help to the Sunday morning offering by the team.. I really appreciate the effort they are putting in to making worship a priority.
Check out other Sunday worship offerings here
Hoping that I can be at least to 342 by spring break and payday. That would be 20 pounds off and a nice place to have a celebratory cheater meal. We're hanging around Lufkin next weekend and I'll be at church Sunday morning.. then we're sending Hannah off to Europe early Sunday afternoon..then Donna, Austin, and I are off to downtown Houston. Staying at The Inn at the Ball Park just to try and experience downtown Houston like we have done New York.. find some neat downtown restaurants, go to the zoo, museum, Austin wants to go to The Galleria.. somewhere in there I plan to be bad.. but.. not too much.. I'm really enjoying how I feel and enjoying how my clothes are fitting me. I have one more notch on my new belt then I may be shopping for another new belt. Yeah!!
Those of you who follow me on twitter have probably noticed that my usual 2 x Tuesday (Domino's Pizza) with a Shiner Bock has stopped... I might very well partake in a pizza and some beer.. well some Bock or other dark beer.. while on vacation. I do find God in that little combination!
More to come..
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Anyway.. that was my one indulgence...stress induced as it was.
Hope to put up a few more posts later today..
FYI.. if you are not on youtube.. I'm posting video of our worship practice on youtube. It came from the fact that we are changing worship times and we will not have the time we used to on Sunday morning to run through the songs. I also have band members that have conflicts on Wednesday night that can't make practice but they will invest the time to be ready on Sunday if they have the music.. this gives them the music the way we will do it.. not the way Crowder, Tomlin, Baloche or Wright does it but how we will do it and they can work on how they fit in to the mix and be ready Sunday morning. There are also those in the praise team that need more reps on the songs and this way they can sing along with the rest of the praise team to get a better feel for the music.
We only have time on Sunday morning to do a quick run through of our transitions.. example.. this week we'll work on the transition between the last half of the chorus of "Give Thanks" in to the first verse of "Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)"..that's it.. then the end of "Every Move I Make" in to "The Wonderful Cross".. We'll touch on one other song quickly and then we're done.
We did this last week..and with all the confusion of set up and new service times and getting settled in to where we were supposed to be along with pluggin in and tuning it probably took us between 15 and 20 minutes to work on our transitions between our 2 three song sets...and the music in church was AWESOME!! Everyone came prepared and the church loved the first set so much they applauded us.. that just doesn't happen in our church very often.. one other time in the last year and a half it's happend (when we introduced our rockin' version of "How Great Thou Art"..kinda like Baloche but not...). We got tons of great feedback on the music and how good it was..the church was in to it and the Spirit was moving.. it was a great day...anyway...
The vids go up at www.youtube.com/artieanderson and Donna has been doing the editing because Moviemaker keeps cratering on my pc. She's good and pretty quick. She also worked very hard on getting the sound right on the internet feed and our vids this week sound much better..(we are pulling our vids off our computer/video feed we use for Sunday morning live feed broadcasts). The ones last week were not bad but she's got them sounding much better.
In the short run this little experiment has turned out to be a great success.. Hope it continues to be a tool for a quality music offering on Sunday morning.