Handbells were awesome today.. The choir's arrangement of "He Arose" was great..festive. We had 4 baptisms, the praise team rocked "Here is our King" and " Better is One Day"..it was just a Spirit filled wonderful morning...here's how it went..
Easter Sunday
10:45 AM Celebration Service
Gathering Music – True Religion (Brenton Brown)(Praise Team)
Enter the Light of Christ
Choral Anthem-He Arose
Call to Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Praise Music
Jesus Messiah-(Tomlin, Carson, Reeves, Cash)
Wonderful Cross-(Reeves, Tomlin, Walt, Watts, Mason)
Children’s Sermon (Cory)
Worship Song – Here is our King-(David Crowder)
Act of Christian Baptism
Through baptism, we are buried with Christ, that we, like Him, may be raised from the dead to walk in newness of life.
Worship Song – Better is One Day-(Matt Redman)
Prayer Time and Lord’s Prayer (Artie)
Prayer Response (Handbells)
Call to Communion (Mike)
Prayer for Elements
Communion and Offering
New Members’ First Communion
Scripture (Cory)
Sermon (Mike)
Invitation to Respond
Invitation Music – Jesus Messiah
Going Out Music – Jesus Messiah
See how others worshiped our risen Lord here
awesome set list- glad your Easter Sunday was blessed! I know ours was!
Thanks for sharing. It's a blessing to see the diversity in our expressions of worship!
Wow--looks like you had a lot on the plate today. Glad it went well (Baptism, communion and all!)
The Wonderful Cross - so awesome!
Love the Wonderful Cross!
Every now and then we have a "kitchen sink" Sunday..Easter is usually one of them with all the gifts and talents of the church all in one service. We do communion weekly in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) so that's always there..it was a wonderful mix of worship offerings. A great day celebrating our risen Lord!!
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