I was looking around on Facebook this morning and I went to David Runnels space because I had sent him flair with a Chuck Taylor shoe on it and I wanted to see if he had it up...after all he is the "converse christian"
No flair.. none at all. And since he has none, my feelings are not hurt. Even though he has the iphone application he still chooses not to have flair. That's ok. I'm good with that. I don't get most of the stuff that goes on in the facebook community anyway...
But then I ran across this thing you see above. A frienship wheel. It's really pretty and is a neat idea.. It's also a little intimidating. You know..I'm 48..born 10 years before Mr. Runnels and so most of my friends from college and high school are not on this stuff... so for me to think about putting something like this up makes me a little anxious.. I don't have near as many friends on facebook. I begin to think about putting one of these things up and I wonder just how small would my wheel be?? I begin having wheel envy even before I contemplate how to put this thing on my facebook.
Then I start looking very closely to the wheel. I can't find my name. What is the deal here? I know I'm one of his facebook friends but I'm not on his friendship wheel? Did I do something wrong? I look around the wheel again and I still cannot find my name. I see so many people I know and love.. and then.. wait a minute.. Chris Huffty?? I know Chris through our CC(DOC) camps and he took my daughter to the prom this year.. he's kinda by himself over on the right..he's also my friend on facebook... maybe if I follow some lines from his name I'll find mine.
No go. What's the deal? What kind of mind boggling, ego destroying tool is this friendship wheel. I don't know how it works and so I don't want to jump to conclusions but I know I'm feeling a little shaky today...
..and what's the deal with the colors??? what do those mean? Why is my DOC friend over on the right by himself and colored red?? Is there some implications as to if you're on the left vs the right side of the wheel? Do you move around the wheel if you get attached to a bunch of people pulling you around like some pull toy or if you make a bunch of friends across the wheel will you just have longer strings than everyone else?
I am bewildered.. I'm amazed.. I'm some other really big cool word that David would say.
Help me out here..
Well, David is a horrible friend.
Plain and simple.
i'm sure todd's right.
however, the friend wheel does not update itself.
thanks to your sincerity, transarency and courage i've learned that i need to "redraw" my friend wheel as i add new friends. i am glad that i'm getting the chance to gain you as a friend (as bad as a friend as i can be).
a note about my friend wheel. the grouping and color is the default grouping (no hidden message on my part).
chris is one of my son's best friends from nacogdoches. they have been friends since middle school.
you will find yourself at 11 o'clock.
Oh, David, I feel so much better... I was afraid that I had done something damaging to you somewhere along the way or perhaps you had learned something truthful about me that I really want no one know.
It may have been that I had actually blogged less than Todd Wright while you were out of pocket or perhaps it's because I'm good friends with Cory Glover. You never know what social faux pas you might do in one situation that negativly impact another..
hmmm 11 o'clock..I am purple and have long strings... random perhaps but then again maybe not.
the grouping is done by the network(s) you are in on facebook...like for instance tcu people are together then it would trickle to lufkin high school, or the longview/tyler netwrok, ect
It figures our super intern would know the complexities of this thing
based on the grouping you get to choose. you are either:
1) a member of fumcwith youth or college student
2) a former member of calvary baptist church in nacogdoches
disregard the last comment. it's unfair to place you in a situation that would make you choose between two such great groups of people. after prayer and fasting i've been moved to redraw my wheel again. i have changed my grouping algorithm from "friend groupster 4000" to "turbo friendilizer". you will now find yourself at three pm.
blogging less than twb and
being friends with cory
are good things
you are now red and on the right...hmm
Artie ..
DWC here ... I have been out for a while ... I finally answered your question about pressure washing vehicles ... I will do vehicles ... thanks for the question
I don't know about super intern, but glad I could help.
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