This is the latest communication with the bloke from down under..
i will go to me shipper here in melbouren OZ .& confirm that he can get it transported it out of lufkin,texas to carson L.A. 90745 . i will need ur exact address from where its to be picked up & a pic of title & bill of sale if possible ... now i prefer to pay / wire in the 2000$ usd if u wish... that way it saves being hit by banks etc with transfering money my end & you recieving money your end twice . i'd rather just pay you the once & its all done ...when u recive the money your bank will deduct 2-3 % per cent just for u recieving it so ..even tho i give u 2000$ wheter bank wire or paypal.. u still will get that 2-3 % let me know exactly wat your happy with regards ettoray
So he wants me to incur bank wire fees because he doesn't want to send $1500 via cert check or money order.. Terms of the sale were $500 in 48 hours via PayPal and the balance via cert check or money order or cash in person.. Always trying to change the deal, always pushing for something else.
Not happy.. I have a headache..
This is my reply
There is no bill of sale.. if you mean from when I bought it. I'll take a pic of the title and post in in the same place as the other info. Terms of sale were $500 pay pal in 48 hours and the rest ($1500 in this case) via certified check, money order or cash in 7 days.
We are a little more than 48 hours away from the deadline and of course I would prefer to receive the balance in cert check or money order $1500 US to avoid bank fees and charges. After 7 day are up an unpaid item dispute will be filed. Thanks.
I hope this ends soon!!!
Do not accept INTERNATIONAL money orders. Most cannot be collected by US banks. I once paid $50 to my bank for there efforts to collect a money order from the EU.
Sad to say but paypal and cash through the mail are the only international methods that offer you protection.
Thank you thank you all knowing one. I'll work with him on the paypal or the wire transfer.
Got a voice mail from him early this morning and I think it will get worked out.. it just didn't start off very well. Hence my frustration as things drag on...
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